WRHSAC conducted the Multi-Agency Coordination Center project to explore and establish a regional approach to managing large emergencies and disasters.
Significant emergencies affecting Western Massachusetts communities have demonstrated the need for increased coordination, the sharing of scarce resources, and a regional approach to emergency management. Events such as Tropical Storm Irene and the 2011 October Snowstorm brought witness to the number of challenges which can arise when large-scale disasters overwhelm the ability to rapidly establish common operating picture by fully consuming local resources and staff in order to address immediate response needs. As a result of these types of events, a variety of After-Action Reports produced post disaster identified the need to establish and improve upon regional planning and response capabilities within the region.
WRHSAC took a phased approach to this project.
Phase I project elements(see below) were developed and can be utilized by any region seeking to develop a MACC. Phase II of the project worked specifically with Berkshire County to create a Regional Multi-Agency Coordination Center there, updated the Concept of Operations. A regional stakeholder group was formed to identify and review needs specific to Berkshire County. WRHSAC and the project consultant, with input from the stakeholder group, revised and enhanced the Concept of Operations.
Phase I Project Elements:
- WRHSAC REOC/MACC Phase I Executive Summary
- WRHSAC REOC/MACC Local EOC Concept of Operations
- WRHSAC REOC/MACC Regional EOC Concept of Operations
Phase II Project Elements:
- Berkshire County MACC Concept of Operations
- The following items are included in the Berkshire County MACC COP
- MACC Services and Support
- MACC Operational Scalability
- MACC Activation
- MACC Staffing and Organizational Structure
- Local, Regional and State Operation Center Relationship and Coordination and
- MACC De-Activation
Standard Operating Guidelines (SOGs) were also developed and provide position specific guidance to MACC operations. The following SOGs were developed:
- MACC Manager
- MACC Public Information Officer
- MACC Liaison Officer
- MACC Operations Section Chief
- MACC Planning Section Chief
- MACC Logistics Section Chief
- MACC Finance Section Chief
The final phase of the project utilized all the elements of Phase I & II to establish a MACC in Franklin County.