Interoperability/Information Sharing Subcommittee (WMRIC)
The Western Mass Regional Interoperability Committee focuses on improving interagency public safety communications primarily throughout the four counties, but also beyond. Voice and data communications / information sharing are covered. Regional, multidiscipline solutions are proposed whenever possible.
This subcommittee meets on the third Tuesday of the month at 12:30pm.
Training and Exercise Subcommittee
The subcommittee oversees funds for trainings and exercises offered in the region. The committee focuses on sponsoring events which provide training across regional and multi-discipline lines. The subcommittee determines trainings and exercises to offer based on the WRHSAC Multi-year Training & Exercise plan, recommendations from After Action Report improvement plans, and relevant current identified needs.
This subcommittee meets on the third Tuesday of the month at 9:00am.
All Hazards Planning and Equipment Subcommittee
Previously known as the Pandemic Flu / Planning Subcommittee, this subcommittee is responsible for emergency preparedness planning activities such as emergency sheltering, pandemic or other public health emergencies, evacuation, disaster recovery and more. The committee is also focused on the inclusion of Individuals Requiring Additional Assistance (IRAA) in emergency preparedness planning scenarios, and outreach to volunteer organizations including Medical Reserve Corps and Faith communities. The committee oversees public outreach/education to both first responders and the public and maintains the Council’s websites and social media presences.
This subcommittee meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 9:00 am.
CBRNE Subcommittee
The subcommittee is responsible for project planning and oversight related to Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive (CBRNE) concerns. The committee works closely with members of the Regional Hazardous Materials Response teams, the Springfield Bomb Squad and other entities engaged in CBRNE response. The committee also coordinates CBRNE related training for the region.
This subcommittee meets as needed.